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  • BT-150N 3-Axis CNC PCD&PCBN Tool Grinder For Hot Selling

    BT-150N 3-Axis CNC tool grinder's main components are the bed, the bed is the basic support of the grinder, and it is equipped with a grinding wheel frame, a work table, a head frame, a tailstock, and a lateral sliding saddle. These components maintain an accurate relative position during operation. The inside of the bed is used as an oil pool for hydraulic oil. The head frame is used to install and clamp the workpiece and rotate the workpiece. The headframe can be rotated 90° counterclockwise in the horizontal plane.

  • BT-150N 3-Axis CNC PCD&PCBN Tool Grinder

    BT-150N 3-Axis CNC PCD&PCBN tool grinder is made of grinding wheel oscillation axis(X-axis), rotation axis in the horizontal plane(C-axis), working piece feeding axis(Y-axis). The working piece feeding axis(Y-axis) is equipped with a linear scale, and the closed-loop position feedback is used to ensure the precision of micron-level grinding. The tool grinder is reliable in performance and it is suitable for massive production of carbide inserts, PCD and CBN inserts. Once centering is finished, grinding will be done automatically.

  • BT-150N Universal Tool Grinder

    BT-150N CNC tool grinding machine is suitable for massive production of carbide insert, PCD tool grinder machine, and CBN inserts. Once centering is finished. BT-150N universal tool grinder will be done automatically. It is specially designed for “One person, two machines”. The machine can also be set back to manual mode, which is easy and quick for small batch production. The equipment is produced by Demina Precision Machinery Co., Ltd, a professional BT-150N universal tool grinder for sale. Welcome everyone to buy.

  • BT-150D CNC PCD Tool Grinder

    BT-150D CNC PCD tool grinder manufacturer produced BT-150D CNC PCD insert grinding machine is mainly used for grinding PCD tools & CBN tools and carbide tools. Not only you can position the tool precisely, but also feed directly to the position resulting in high efficiency. BT-150D CNC PCD tool grinder, the PCD tool can be easily located at the right position by turning the two screws of the cross working table. BT-150D CNC PCD tool grinder Characteristics, the angle, and the arc can be measured through CCD video system making it ready for grinding.BT-150D 4-axis CNC tool grinder precision feeding can be achieved by the servo system. In this way, the grinding operation will be reliable, steady and consistent without human interference.

  • BT-150N 3-Axis CNC PCD&PCBN Tool Grinder

    BT-150N 3-Axis CNC PCD&PCBN tool grinder is made of grinding wheel oscillation axis(X-axis), rotation axis in the horizontal plane(C-axis), working piece feeding axis(Y-axis). The working piece feeding axis(Y-axis) is equipped with a linear scale, and the closed-loop position feedback is used to ensure the precision of micron-level grinding. The tool grinder is reliable in performance and it is suitable for massive production of carbide inserts, PCD and CBN inserts. Once centering is finished, grinding will be done automatically.    

  • BT-150HS Pneumatic Lifting Diamond Tool Grinder 的马耳他语翻译为 "BT-150HS Pneumatic Lifting Diamond Tool Grinder"。

    BT-150HS Pneumatic Lifting Diamond Tool Grinder hija għodda ekonomika għall-ipproduzzjoni u l-ħaddiem tal-PCD, PCBN u l-instrumenti tal-CVD; L-ipproduzzjoni u l-ħaddiem tal-karburi cementati u tal-biledi tal-veloċità għolja mhux standard. Meta jkunu qed iħaddmu bl. Sindromi ta 'flus, l-ikelħ, l-ikelħ ta' tara u tipi oħra ta 'għodod. Il-BT-150HS Pneumatic Lifting Diamond Tool Grinder huwa f'gwida biex tippurifikax l-uġigħ u t-tindifa ta 'filgħaxija fuq dawn l-għodod.

  • BT-150H PCD CBN Il-Ħażna tal-Ferramenta Grinder

    Teknoloġija ta 'blokk tal-radja tal-ispindle tal-rota tal-iskarifikazzjoni tal-magni BT-150H: it-teknoloġija tagħti tfulija għal żewġ rail karta konka u konveksa, bl-ispriegħ tal-kompresjoni elastika, jipproprja l-anglej b'mod awtomatiku fil-panel tal-kontroll permezz tal-mutur. L-utenti li użaw dan l-eqdem jafu li l-BT-150H PCD CBN tagħmir għal għodda tista 'titfa sbarazz.BT-150H PCD CBN tal-kwality grinder għandha l-vantaġġi ta 'ebda ċlearance u kuntatt ħelu u tipperfezzjona l-rigidità tal-equip tal-attrezzatura. L-aġġustament tal-għaqda tal-ħilti tal-ġerża (l-angolu ta 'rilaxxazzjoni tal-għodda) ma jinbidelx mill-pożizzjoni tal-linja ċentrali tal-ġerża tal-ġerża. Għalhekk, ġerża qotba u ġerża fina ma jkunux qed jgetilx l-għoli tal-ġerża tal-ġerża. Jekk trid tikkonsulta l-prezz tal-BT-150H PCD CBN tool grinder, tista 'taqra lilna.

  • BT-150HG PCD Frezjar tal-Għodda - Traduzzjoni bil-Malti

    BT-150HG PCD għażża tal-ferramenta tuża l-teknoloġija tat-taħħżija kostanti. BT-150HG PCD għażża tal-ferramenta, is-slider ta 'dawl huwa mewġ bi pressjoni kostanti tal-arja, li jagħmel il-proċess tal-ġrajjament ibilanza u stabbiltà, tagħmir effiċjenza għolja ta 'produzzjoni u finitura tajba fuq il-kunturi tal-qatgħa. BT-150HG PCD għażża tal-ferramenta ta 'precisioni hija adatta għall-ġrajjiet tal-inserts tal-karbidi u tal-ferramenta PCD & PCBN, l-analizzatur tal-ferramenta PCD. Jekk tixtieq tasal bi ċ-ċina tal-BT-150HG PCD tal-ferramenta għażża, tista 'taċċessa għall-konsultazzjoni.

  • BT-150H Universal Grinder

    BT-150H tool grinder is very convenient and easy to operate. Many of our customers choose this machine to grind their PCD&PCBN tool grinding machine and carbide inserts. This manual machine BT-150 H universal grinder is also can use two types of wheel grinding of the diamond bruting wheel, ceramic diamond wheel. Demina Precision Machinery Co., Ltd, professional BT-150H universal grinder for sale, and BT-150H universal grinder wholesale welcome everyone to order.

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